Arts & Artists
Maha Abu ‘Ayyash

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Maha received a BA of Fine Arts in Ceramics in 1989 and a Master’s of Fine Arts in Sculpture in 1991 from the USA. She has been working at her sculpture workshop in Amman since 1991, where she also has her work on permanent show. Maha has participated in 21 international and local group shows and held five solo exhibits in many countries including
Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, France, and the USA. Maha works with varied media including bronze, copper, iron, clay, wood, cement, fiberglass and tempered enamel. Since 1989 she has been teaching design, fine arts and handcrafts at university and other levels.

She represents the National Jordanian Campaign to Eliminate Crimes of Honor, is active as a public information campaign copywriter, and received the Human Rights Monitor Award from Human Rights Watch in 2000. She has served on the editorial board of Funoon magazine.

Winter. Oil pastels, 10 x 10 inches, 1988.
