
Tunisia has the finest collection of mosaics in the world and the majority of these can be seen at the Bardo Museum. This Moorish palace in the suburbs of Tunis was ,at one time, the residence of Tunisia's Beys (kings), and besides housing the fabulous exposition of mosaics, it contains an important collection of Prehistoric, Roman, Punic and Islamic artifacts.

Classified by region, Sousse, Carthage, Dougga, Bulla Regia the mosaics date mostly from the 3rd and 4th century - their golden age. Of particular interest is the unique portrait of Virgil, and in the Sousse Room, the Triumph of Neptune, one of the largest in existence.

Realistic scenes of hunting, a panorama of mythological gods and goddesses, exquisite still lifes of fish and games, the legendary Hercules and the adventurous Odysseus are portrayed with astonishing mastery of form and color. What marvelous skill it was of these unknown artists who used tiny chips of stone to create such beauty!