Stories & Tales
The Little Monkey

Once upon a time, a little monkey called his mother in the zoo.


“What’s up my little son ?” said the mother.


The little monkey asked : “Why are we here in this cage ?”


“All you do is ask questions ! Don’t you know that we are monkeys ?” replied the mother.


The little monkey said : “I do mom, I do.”


“We are temporary locked in this cage and we’ll be soon moved to the monkeys’ section. We will be free then,”


replied the mother.


The little monkey said : “When, mom ? I am sick of being in this cage.”


“Here is the guardian of the monkeys’ section. He is coming to free us from this cage,” replied the mother.


The little monkey and the mother were moved to the monkeys’ section.


“How wonderful the freedom is ! Thank God we are free now !” said the monkey, and he called his mother.


“What’s up, my little son ? Aren’t you happy now ?” asked the mother.


The little monkey said : “I am very happy, but I wanted to ask you what are these colored things.”


“Where ?” asked the mother.


The little monkey said : “Out there, there are many colors : red, green and yellow.”


“Oh, these are fruits,” said the mother.


The little monkey asked : “Fruits? What’s the meaning of fruits ?”


“Fruits are delicious food that grow on the trees like apples, pears, oranges…” answered the mother.


The little monkey said : “I wish I could go and taste them.”


“You will, my son, but tell me now why are you jumping ?" asked the mother.


The little monkey answered : “I want to learn how to climb a tree and eat its fruit.”


“Stay here my little son and play until I go and get you some food. It’s lunch time,” said the mother.


The little monkey said : “Okay mom, I am very hungry.”


“Don’t go anywhere, understood ?” said the mother.


The little monkey said : “Understood, mom.”


The mother left and stayed longer than the little monkey expected.


“My mom is late. I am hungry, what shall I do ? Oh ! I found it ! I will climb the wall of the garden and eat some fruit there,” said the little monkey.


Suddenly, the little monkey heard a voice coming from afar : “Where are you climbing, little monkey ?”


The little monkey replied : “My mom told me about the delicious fruit in the garden. I am going to eat some.”


“But if the guardian saw you, he would hit you,” the voice said.


The little monkey replied : “Don’t worry about me.”


“Don’t go ! Don’t climb the wall, otherwise you will fall and break your arm or leg,” added the voice.


The little monkey said : “Don’t worry, we are monkeys, we are good at jumping.” And he jumped.


At that moment, he heard another voice calling him.


“Who’s talking to me ?” asked the little monkey.


The voice said : “We are the fruit on the tree.”


“That means that you are the beautiful, delicious and colored fruit ?" asked the little monkey.


The fruit answered : “Yes we are. Come pick and eat us.”


“I am coming. I will climb the tree,” said the little monkey.


The little monkey reached to the fruit.


The fruit said : “Pick and eat us.”


“What a nice smell !” said the little monkey.


The fruit said : “Taste us.”


“Taste you ? What’s your name ?” asked the little monkey.


The fruit answered : “We are apples. Wash and eat us.”


“Okay, I will,” said the little monkey.


The fruit said : “Do you see that pool out there ? Go and wash us there.”
“Alright,” said the little monkey.


At that moment, the mother came back and didn’t find her son, so she asked the guardian about him.


“I have been looking for him for three hours,” answered the guardian.


The mother said : “I warned him not to go anywhere. He is so careless.”


In fact, your son is hyperactive. He jumped through the wall,” replied the guardian.


The mother started to cry.


The guardian said : “Don’t be sad, we will look for him.” “Eat your lunch now,” he added.


The mother said : “How am I supposed to eat without my son ? I went especially to get him something for lunch.” “Where are you my dear son ? I won’t eat or drink before you come back,” she added.


The guardian said : “Don’t do this to yourself. Take it easy.”


Meanwhile, a woman living in a house near the garden opened the window to water the flowers and saw the little monkey jumping on the tree branches.


“That’s weird ! What is this little monkey doing here on the tree ?” said the woman.


The little monkey laughed, then he heard a voice coming from a little box. It seemed like someone talking from a window : “Hello dear spectators, from the national television we broadcast the following news : A little monkey disappeared from the zoo. His mother is very sad and does not eat or drink anymore. If you have any information, please call the zoo. Here is the mother on the screen now, she looks miserable.”


At that moment, the little monkey saw his mother and started to cry.


A woman saw him and told him : “Don’t cry my dear, I will send you to your mother.” Then she called the zoo and told the manager that the missing monkey is at her house.


The little monkey was taken to his mother who welcomed him crying : “My dear son, how you got me worried !”
“I love you mom,” replied the little monkey, and he cried from happiness.


The mother said : “Your carelessness hurt me a lot. I warned you not to go anywhere.”


“I was wrong. I will never do this again,” replied the little monkey sadly.