Stories & Tales
The Jar of Gold

Once upon a time, Malek said to the teacher: “Yesterday, when I came back home from school, I found two pens in my bag. One that belongs to me and another one which I put in my sack by mistake.” “I don’t know who it belongs to,” he added.


Malek gave the two pens, which were of the same color and size, to the teacher who then asked the students: “Had anyone lost his pen?”


“I have,” replied Kawthar, and she took the pen, pointing to a little mark on its edge that made her recognize it.
The teacher said to the students: “We should thank Malek because he returned Kawthar’s pen, and we also should congratulate him, for he is honest and loyal.” “This reminds me of the story of the jar of gold, I will tell it to you now,” she added.


Once upon a time, a man bought some land, and while he was digging to plant a tree, he found a jar buried in the ground. He opened it and found some gold. The man took the jar to the man who sold him the land and told him: “This is your gold, take it. I bought the land from you without the gold.”


The seller didn’t know about the gold and was surprised by the honesty of the man, so he told him: “I sold the land to you, and I think the gold is yours now.”


Finally, the two men agreed to share the gold so that they could both provide for their families and help the poor.