A salt lake in Djibouti that marks Africa's lowest point below sea level (-155m), with summer temperatures reaching 57 C. The lake is 10 times saltier than the ocean; its shoreline is white salt. For centuries, nomads have come to the lake and cut out salt blocks to trade in Ethiopia.
Lake Assal is surrounded by dormant volcanoes and black lava fields. Ardoukoba, a volcanic crater that towers over the lake, last erupted in 1978.
Reference: http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/programmes/tv/wildafrica/lakeasal.shtmlA salt lake in Djibouti that marks Africa's lowest point below sea level (-155m), with summer temperatures reaching 57 C. The lake is 10 times saltier than the ocean; its shoreline is white salt. For centuries, nomads have come to the lake and cut out salt blocks to trade in Ethiopia.
Lake Assal is surrounded by dormant volcanoes and black lava fields. Ardoukoba, a volcanic crater that towers over the lake, last erupted in 1978.
Reference: http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/programmes/tv/wildafrica/lakeasal.shtml
Photo:Frederic Lancereau