The sheltered tidal lagoon at Khor Dubai, 50 ha of tidal mudflats that extends into Dubai's city limits, holds over 50,000 birds at any one time during the winter season.
The area is well-known as one of the most important wetlands in the Emirates, regularly supporting hundreds of Greater Flamingos and thousands of other waterbirds A total of 185 species of birds has been recorded at the site in the last twenty years.
It is internationally important for its large migrant flocks of Lesser Sand Plovers (up to 3,000 counted in winter) and Broad-billed Sandpipers (up to 4,000 can occur in autumn), it also supports significant numbers of Kentish Plover (up to 3,500 in winter, with a large proportion resident).
Other species include Great White Egret, Spoonbill, Greater Flamingo, Marsh Harrier, Spotted Eagle, Osprey and Caspian Tern.
The threats to Khor Dubai include human disturbance, especially at weekends, when visitors sometimes walk onto the mudflats to approach the flamingos. Four-wheel drive vehicles are regularly driven onto the mudflats. The risk of pollution is high because of the proximity to Dubai city. The area is patrolled by the police to prevent disturbance to the birds.
The seaward end of the khor is of major importance for dhow traffic and trading of anything from fruit and fish to dishwashers.
The land is owned by the Crown Prince of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. This site is the country's only Wildlife Sanctuary.