Beit Sheikh Isa is a traditional Bahraini house built in the 19th century in the old town of Al-Muharraq. It was for many years the home of Shaikh Isa bin Ali al- Khalifa, Bahrain's ruler from 1869 until 1932 when he abdicated in favor of his son Sheikh Hamad.
The house is designed around four courtyards each with a unique function. The main entrance and vestibule opens into the Women's Court, the southern part of which leads to a portico where the ladies would sit and embroider. Apartments for unmarried ladies are separate. On the second floor were the Sheikh’s private apartments. The children's summer living rooms, also on the second floor, are enclosed by 10 carved wooden shutters with an equally ornate curved porch. The walls, window frames, doorways and recessed shelves are decorated in dark painted panels of curved plaster projecting slightly from the background from floor to ceiling, and carved gypsum ornamentation. A wind tower keeps the house cool.
The Men's and Visitors' Court, the Women's majlis, and the business majlis are decorated in traditionally painted wood and mat ceiling with stained glass windows.